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Keli Zeki offers an array of selection of many different gemstones available in different cuts. Assorting a wide range of diamonds, sapphires, rubies, aquamarines, and other gemstones, we curate quality gemstones, certified diamonds, with a range of clarity, cut, and size. Buy your favorite stone, or order to have a custom piece made for you, here at Keli Zeki.


"Diamonds are chunks of coal that stuck to their job." This is why it is a symbol of durability and invincibility. It is said to bring marital happiness and strengthen the bonds of love and symbolizes innocence, purity, love, eternity, and strength. This clear stone is associated with good luck, protection, enhancing relationships, increasing inner strength, clarity of thought, balance, and abundance.

Diamond Facts:

  • Diamond is the birthstone of April
  • It is the hardest material found and ranks 10 on Mohs Scale.
  • Diamonds are found extensively in areas near volcanic activity. They are also found in South Africa, India, Russia, Siberia, Brazil, China, Canada and the United States.



    Emerald, the green stone, is a wonderful gift of love, and homecoming. It is also known as "The Healer's Stone" because it is capable of bringing emotional, physical, and spiritual balance to its native. Traditionally, emerald stones are believed to benefit the wearer by enhancing contentment and the apparent power to perceive things that otherwise cannot be sensed.

    Emerald Facts:

  • Emerald is the Birthstone of May.
  • Emerald is chemically known as beryllium aluminum silicate.
  • Emerald's hardness is between 7.5 - 8.0 on Mohs Scale.
  • This gemstone is found in many countries like Russia, Brazil, Zambia, India, Pakistan, etc., but the best emerald stone is obtained from Colombia, South America.
  • Aquamarine

    Aquamarine comes from latin "Aqua Marine" meaning "water of the sea". It is said to promote leadership qualities, boosts self-confidence, good health and brings stability in married life. Faithfulness, serenity, courage, hope, kindness, loyalty, friendship - there are so many qualities associated with the Aquamarine gemstone. This stone is a part of the beryl family and comes in several hues ranging from slight icy blue to pastel greenish blue.

    Aquamarine Facts:

  • Aquamarine is the Birthstone of March
  • Aquamarine is the gemstone for the 19th wedding anniversary.
  • Aquamarine's hardness is between 7.5 - 8.0 on Mohs Scale.
  • It is found mainly in Brazil, but are also at other places around the world such as Nigeria, Madagascar, Mozambique, India, Pakistan, United States and Zambia.
  • Ruby

    Known as the "King of Precious Gemstones", Ruby like it's name has been a choice for royalty overtime. It is said to be a symbol of health, wealth & prosperity. Strength, courage, vitality are some of the other quality associated with this gemstone. It is also associated with love, and hence, is a popular choice of gift between lovers. The colors of ruby range from light red, vermilion to shiny red known as pigeon's blood.

    Ruby Facts:

  • Ruby is the birthstone of July.
  • Ruby is a variety of the mineral Corundum
  • Ruby's hardness is 9.0 on Mohs Scale
  • It is mined in Myanmar Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania and the United States.
  • Sapphire

    Sapphire comes from Greek Sapphirus, meaning Blue. However, it exists in a myriad of colors including pink, lavender, and orange too. Historically, it was worn by royalty for wisdom and by priests for purity. It is considered a symbol of loyalty, faithfulness, and trust. Associated with physical and emotional balance, the stone also embodies qualities such as sincerity, constancy, and trust. It is an excellent gift for a wedding due to it's serene color and the properties associated with it.

    Sapphire Facts:

  • Sapphire is the Birthstone of September
  • It is almost as as hard as diamond and rates a 9.0 on Mohs Scale.
  • Like Ruby, it is also a variety of the mineral Corundum.
  • It is mined in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Australia, and the U.S.


    Rainbow Moonstone


    Rainbow moonstone is actually a transparent labradorite, and despite what it’s name would suggest, it’s not a true moonstone. Rainbow Moonstone is associated with the emotional world. Because of its colours, this stone has a more joyful and energetic vibration than classic varieties of moonstone that are mainly white or pale blue. The nurturing energy of this stone brings comfort and guidance in difficult times.

    Moonstone Facts:

  • Rainbow Moonstone is one of the birthstones for June, along with Pearl.
  • Rainbow Moonstone is not a true moonstone, but a labradorite.
  • Moonstone falls between 6 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
  • Rainbow moonstone deposits are found in Canada, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar, Russia, Sri Lanka and the USA.




    The name "turquoise" is derived from the old French word pierre Turquoise, which means "stone of Turkey" as it was from Turkey that the stone first arrived in Europe. Turquoise is said to be the stone of wisdom and spiritual journeys. The common meanings of turquoise gemstone are that of strength, protection from harm, psychic sensitivity, and last but certainly not the least, connection to the world of spirits.

    Turquoise Facts:

  • Turquoise is a relatively fragile stone with a hardness of 5.0 - 6.0 on Mohs Scale.
  • Turquoise is mined in China, Iran, Mexico, Egypt, Chile, and South-Western US.
  • Turquoise is one of the birthstones for the month of December.